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From the Jungle to the Skies: The Heroic Journeys of Prebet (B) Kastuki and Kapt (B) Baharuddin.


Prebet (B) Kastuki and Kapt (B) Baharuddin are two courageous men who served in the Malaysian Armed Forces. Their stories are filled with courage, hardship, and the strong bonds they formed with their fellow soldiers.

One of the toughest moments for Prebet (B) Kastuki was when his friend stepped on a booby traps, losing his leg.The explosion took his friend’s leg, and it left Prebet (B) Kastuki feeling deeply sad. 

"Teringat dan sedih sebab kawan dari kampung sama-sama menyertai tentera, dari kampung datang anggota cukup lengkap, bila balik kekurangan anggota," — Prebet (B) Kastuki shared, his voice filled with emotion.

During his years in the army, he enjoyed cooking and eating with his fellow soldiers, creating strong bonds that only soldiers can understand. He noticed how much things have changed since his time in the army. The communist threat was once very real, but today’s younger generation enjoys peace. 

"Anak-anak muda sekarang ni bersyukurlah dan jagalah negara kita ini dengan aman, tenteram dan sejahtera," — Prebet (B) Kastuki.

Reflecting on the changes in the country. His story reminds us of the sacrifices made by those who served before us and the importance of preserving the peace they fought so hard to achieve.


One of the most frightening experiences of his career was surviving a helicopter crash involving the Nuri in 1973. He was flying from Butterworth to Karangan Camp to pick up personnels. Upon reaching Karangan Base Camp, the number of passengers unexpectedly increased from three to four, adding extra weight to the helicopter. After completing the survey, they were instructed to land at the base camp using a different technique due to the excess load, requiring a landing on a peak. Unfortunately, the landing technique was not executed perfectly, causing the helicopter to crash. 

”Saya masih ingat masa berhenti tu, ada satu pokok yang telah terpotong oleh bilah helikopter." — recalled Kapt (B) Baharuddin.

Another challenging mission was when, at just 21 years old, Kapt (B) Baharuddin had to retrieve the body of a soldier alone. It was a test of his ability to handle the pressure. "Saya sorang je masa itu dengan jenazah, dan itu antara yang paling mencabar," he said.

He also remembered a time when the Nuri helicopter was shot at in the Gubir area. Most of the crew survived, but it was a close call. Kapt (B) Baharuddin emphasised the importance of camaraderie in the military. 

"Bila kita dalam tentera, terutama bila kita dah lama bersama, tak kira bangsa, kalau kita tak jadi satu keluarga memang tak boleh hidup. Kita tak boleh hidup sorang, kena hidup macam adik-beradik sebab nyawa kau aku jaga, nyawa aku kau jaga." — Kapt (B) Baharuddin.

he shared, reflecting on the unbreakable bond that kept them going through the toughest times.


After 67 years of independence, we must ask ourselves: are we truly merdeka in every sense? To be genuinely free, we must first understand and embrace our identity, our jati diri. Only then can we become confident and proud Malaysians. The reality is that sustaining this independence is even more challenging, but it is a challenge we must continue to face with unwavering determination, honoring the sacrifices made by those who came before us. Terima kasih, Wira Negara!

Visit Muzium Tentera Darat, Kem, 71050 Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan.


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